The Chinatown BIA has launched a new instagram contest running until February 2, 2025! Enter for a chance to win one of 10 prize hampers valued at up to $400.
Steps to Enter:
- Visit any of the 24 participating Chinatown merchants (listed below) and collect the 4 unique tattoos.
- Take a photo with all 4 unique tattoos, and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #visitchinatown and tagging @visitchinatown & one of the stores you visited to collect a tattoo.
Participating Chinatown Merchants:
Aiyaohno Cafe
Crackle Creme @cracklecreme
China Housewares @chinahousewaresyvr
Chinatown Storytelling Centre @chinatownstorytellingcentre
Chinatown BBQ @chinatownbbq
Chinese Canadian Museum @ccmuseumbc
Dalina @dalinavancouver
DD Mau @ddmau_chinatown
Dr Sun Yat-Sen Garden @vancouverchinesegarden
Fiorino, Italian Street Food @fiorino_isf
Forum Appliances @forumappliances
Hunter & Hare Clothing Corporation @hunterandhare
Kam Wai Dim Sum @kamwaidimsum
Massy Books @massybooks
Private & Co. @privateandcompany
Ramen Butcher @theramenbutcher
Say Hey @sayheycafe
Ten Ren Tea
Treasure Green Tea Company @treasuregreentea
Vegan Supply Co. @vegansupply